' ,t L-; - . - Soft wheat Barley/malt - * - * , i - - Corn - -4 V Sorgo 4 1) Paddy rice * I.- ff I_ _ \ J1r : Cargo rice r -\ IT - Soy beans Soybean meal ' \ \ ( Sunflower seeds Rapeseed - ft c Cocoa beans j - RELIABILITY IN BULK HANDLING Coffee beans p - - z - - Wood pellets Alfafa pellets Sodium - Potassium Nitrate Granulated super phosphate -* , '7_ * It -* ._ Alumina Sulphur Soda ash Potassium chloride VIGAN Engineering s.a. Rue de L'Industrie, 16 - 1400 Nivelles (Belgium) Circle No.8 on the Reader Service Card or see page 74. Phone: +32 67 89 50 41 - Fax: +32 67 89 50 60 - Internet: www.vigan.com - *E-mail: info@vigan.com * Contact us to get a poster 66 x 48 cm (free of charge)http://www.vigan.com