- 'T 1 ' TI.. - : - - -- n - _f 1iJ i-M I : 111 - 1 e 1 zI _ - Tn Inn _ ____ -=---- __ _ _ _ = _ __ _ T l l i - - i9 I - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ut .cj - - I J * - - - j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ -1 -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '5 Never again lose profits to shrinkage or spoilage. If you've ever experienced shrink or decreased grain quality during storage, you need to know that this loss to your bottom line is entirely preventable. As the world leader in grain quality management, OPI provides fully customized management systems for precise monitoring and control of storage conditions. OPI's computerized systems allow you to: Maximize Revenue ■ Eliminate shrink through precise control of moisture content ■ Eliminate spoilage by identifying trends before problems occur ■ Optimize quality by proactively managing the storage environment Minimize Cost ■ Reduce electrical use by up to 85% ■ Reduce pesticide use by 50-100% ■ Reduce labor costs 1J .* OPI's PC based system provides fully automated monitoring, as well as optional control of aeration and ventilation fans, allowing you to achieve specific conditioning targets. This investment will pay for itself in one or two years. To discover how much OPI can improve your bottom line call: In North America: 1-800-661-1055 x 0 Outside North America: 403 219-3177 x 0 opisystm@opisystems.com www.opistormax.com StorMax e The world leader in grain quality management. For more information, see Page 98. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Improve your bottom line with an OPI system. Optimize value with OPI's industry leading grain quality management system. _ _ _http://www.opistormax.com