contents VOLUME 25 NUMBER 4 APRIL 2007 FEATURES 26 Under attack The Canadian Wheat Board is battling to maintain its wheat and barley trading monopoly. 33 GEAPS in review Annual Exchange features newest products and a discussion of ethanol's impact on the grain industry. 38 Food versus fuel debate wages on With ethanol demand for maize continuing to climb, agricultural leaders must prepare for a new frontier in grain prices. 43 26 Acreage decisions U.S. agriculture secretary says he may consider easing penalties on farmers wanting to plant corn on CRP land. 44 Setting the bar high Report foresees the U.S. falling short of Bush Administration's ambitious biofuels production goals. 50 Biofuels news digest A look at the latest developments in the biofuels industry. 56 Grain operations Paying attention to every detail is critical when selecting and installing a truck probe. 61 APOSGRAN serving Latin America Argentina-based organization is expanding its services to the post-harvest grain industry. 65 IAOM Conference moved to Oman Middle East & Africa District event to be held Dec. 8-11 at Barr Al Jissah Resort. 66 Milling operations A greater awareness of customers' needs is necessary to maintain viability in the marketplace. 71 65 Feed operations DEPARTMENTS 06 08 10 18 20 93 98 Editorial Calendar World Grain News Grain Market Review: Wheat Country Focus: Morocco Supplier News Advertiser Index/ Fax Back Form Controlling the effects of variable ingredient granularity in a feed mill. 78 Spring cleaning Sanitation programs should focus on key 'hot spots' in grain storage and processing facilities. 84 IAOM Expo product releases A preview of the milling industry's latest product innovations. / World Grain / April 2007 ON THE COVER: The Bunge of Canada terminal located in Québec, Canada. Photo courtesy of the Port of Québec Authority. ©Copyright 2007. Reproduction of the whole or any part of the contents without written permission is prohibited. All information is published in good faith. While care is taken to prevent inaccuracies, the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of any action taken on the basis of information published. 5