Mill Serv i ce planning, building, milling! STUDIOVERDE 7 f, w onze s- BIO WANZE Wanze (Belgio) a Soft wheat milling plant with a capacity of 2160 tons/24 hours for the production of bio ethanol. rt Features: tCBSHFTSFDFJQUDBQUI tMPSSJFTSFDFJQUDBQUI tDMFBOJOHUI tHSJOEJOHUI tUSBOTGFSPGUIFCZQSPEVDUTUP the boiler to generate electrical FOFSHZDBQUI tUSBOTGFSPGUIFnPVSTUP the gluten/starch separation QMBOUDBQUI 1 �519!e Y v � '� � ' 1 i� l l .. 1 b [ dip F tt I l / Mill Service Spa Via Pelosa, 78 35030 Selvazzano Dentro Padova / Italia Ph. +39 049 8978743 - 8978744 Fax +39 049 8978780 Wd 1 L, For more information, see Page 86. F��