Ready, Set ... Grow with Sweet Manufacturing Value created through partnership When you work with Sweet Manufacturing at the concept stage of a project, you benefit from world-class expertise and experience. Integrated, flexible solutions Ţ Ţ Ţ Ţ 4USFBNMJOFEDPOTUSVDUJPO 0QUJNJ[FEFƌDJFODZ &BTFPGNBJOUFOBODF &YQBOTJPOGSJFOEMZ More than equipment Sweet's value goes far beyond material handling equipment: Ţ .VMUJMJOHVBMTUBƋ Ţ -BZPVUBTTJTUBODF Ţ *OTUBMMBUJPOSFGFSSBMT Ţ 'JOBODJOHPQUJPOT Ţ 3FTQPOTJWFTFSWJDF Ţ -POHTUBOEJOHJOEVTUSZSFMBUJPOTIJQT Ţ *OUFHSJUZ SFTQFDUBOEUSVTU For more information, see Page 78. Learn more. Get a copy of our project case histories: &NBJMTBMFT!TXFFUNGHDPN Phone: 937-325-1511 4QSJOHŻFME 0IJP64" Put "The Quality Line" to work for you!