TECHNICAL PROFILE: CRUSTLESS PAN BREAD FAVORED IN ARGENTINA Argentinian food law permits the use of bleaches. In order to remove the color from the pigments naturally present in WKH ÀRXU DQG WKXV LQFUHDVH WKH EULJKWQHVV RI WKH ÀRXU DQG WKH FUXPE PDQ\ EDNHULHV XVH EHQ]R\O SHUR[LGH ZKLFK has an oxidative effect. Since sandwich loaves are intended WR KROG YDULRXV VSUHDGV DQG ¿OOLQJV WKH structure of the crumb is very important. It serves as a base for dressings like mayonQDLVHVRWKHWH[WXUHPXVWEHKRPRJHQHRXV DQG ¿QH $OO WKH GRXJKV VKRXOG KDYH D ¿UPEXWHODVWLFFRQVLVWHQF\%HVLGHVVXLWably adjusted mixing and adequate resting WLPHWKHGRXJKSUHSDUDWLRQSURFHVVSOD\V D NH\ UROH VLQFH WKH UHOHDVH RI JDVHV UHVXOWVLQD¿QHUPRUHXQLIRUPWH[WXUH ,QWKHSURGXFWLRQRIFUXPEEUHDGWKH dough is kneaded or rolled out vigorously and then rolled up. For fermentation it is divided into two or up to four SDUWVGHSHQGLQJRQWKHVL]HRIWKHSDQV and placed in the greased molds. No more than one-third of the volume of WKH PRXOG PXVW EH ¿OOHG ZLWK GRXJK The moulds are set on racks and placed LQWKHUHVWFDELQHW)LQDOSURR¿QJWDNHV place in the open pan. As soon as the dough has risen to two-thirds of the pan YROXPH WKH ORDYHV FDQ EH SXW LQ WKH oven with the lids closed. It is inadvisable to put bread of this kind in the oven with very advanced ¿QDOSURR¿QJVLQFHWKHUHLVDULVNWKDW overpressure will build up in the pan under the tightly closed lid due to the formation and expansion of carbon dioxide; this may cause the loaf to burst when the lid is opened after baking. $IWHU EDNLQJ WKH OLG LV FDUHIXOO\ UHPRYHG IURP WKH SDQ DQG WKH ORDI LV taken out and placed on a grid to cool. A LONG SHELF LIFE IS EXPECTED Argentinean consumers expect their pan loaves to stay fresh for several days. The bakeries have a number of options for meeting these requirements. Preservatives such as calcium propionate can be used to prevent mould and yeasts. 7KH DGGLWLRQ RI IDWV YDULRXV HPXOVL32 The favorite type of bread in Argentina is light-colored, wheat pan loaves known as pan de miga (crumb bread) or pan inglés (English bread). ¿HUV DQG VXLWDEOH HQ]\PH V\VWHPV HQsures a long shelf-life and a pleasantly soft crumb for the products. loaves. The following is a brief overview of the most common faults and ways of avoiding them: The following is a typical recipe for pan inglés/pan de miga: Flour 100 kg Salt max. 2 kg Fresh yeast 1.5 kg Fat 0 - 1 kg Water 53 - 58 l EMCEprop G (calcium propionate) 300 g EMCEvit C (vital wheat gluten) 0 - 400 g 3UREOHP 'HIRUPHG ORDYHV KROORZ sides. 3RVVLEOH FDXVHV /RZJOXWHQ ÀRXU type (KDULQDÀRMD); over-fermentation. 6ROXWLRQ Adjust mixing time; reduce fermentation time; increase the amount of ascorbic acid and glucose oxidase (e.g. ELCO P 100 K or Alphamalt Gloxy); add EMCEgluten Enhancer. 2[LGDWLYHÀRXUWUHDWPHQW ELCO P 100 K (ascorbic acid) 6g Alphamalt Gloxy (glucose oxidase) 15 g 6WDELOL]DWLRQRIWKHHPXOVLRQ GLVSHUVLRQ Mulgaprime SSL 150 g Alphamalt LP / Alphamalt EFX Mega 3 g ([WHQVLRQRIWKHVKHOIOLIHRIWKHFUXPE Alphamalt Fresh 95 12 g ,QSUDFWLFHEDNHULHVPDNHVRPHW\SLcal mistakes in the production of pan de miga, which mainly affect the structure of the crumb and the shape of the 3UREOHP: Cracked sides 3RVVLEOHFDXVH9HU\KLJKJOXWHQÀRXU type (harina da fuerza). 6ROXWLRQ Add hemicellulase and/or L-cystein (e.g. Alphamalt H or EMCEsoft P) or increase the amount. 3UREOHP/DUJHXQHTXDOSRUHV 3RVVLEOHFDXVH Sub-optimal processing. 6ROXWLRQ Increase mixing time to improve the characteristics of the EUHDG $GG HPXOVL¿HUV 66/ PRQR DQG GLJO\FHULGHV HQ]\PHV KHPLFHOOXODVHV OLSDVHV RU HQ]\PHDFWLYH VR\ ÀRXU6R\1RYR($6 Martina Mollenhauer is product manager at Mühlenchemie. She can be contacted at We want to hear from you - Send comments and inquiries to For reprints of WG articles, e-mail June 2015 / World Grain / www.World-Grain.com