FEATURE: INVESTING IN FOOD SECURITY you take everything together. The E.U.'s agricultural industry is subsidized although the subsidies are decreasing. Ukraine is actually being penalized by all these policies. It does actually tax agriculture rather than subsidize it. If you look at the sum of taxes and subsidies, you realize that it is more or less as competitive as Australia or New Zealand in terms of agriculture. "It has an ability to be very competitive on the market and doesn't depend on subsidies. What I think is also very important is that the private sector had to protect itself from corruption and preYLRXV JRYHUQPHQWLQÀXHQFHVVR LWZDV literally pushed to work with internaBrooklyn-Kyiv, Louis Dreyfus and the Ukrainian government recently celebrated the completion of the first of three phases in developing this grain terminal in the Port of Odessa, Ukraine. Photo by Valeriy Voronkov, courtesy of Louis Dreyfus. For more information, see Page 122. 52 June 2015 / World Grain / www.World-Grain.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/milltecmachinerypvtltd http://www.facebook.com/Milltecmachinerypvtltd http://www.twitter.com/MilltecMMPL http://www.milltecmachinery.com http://www.milltecmachinery.in http://www.twitter.com/MilltecMMPL http://www.facebook.com/Milltecmachinerypvtltd https://www.linkedin.com/in/milltecmachinerypvtltd