FEATURE COMPARING WHOLE GRAIN MILLING METHODS A report written under the guidance of the American Association of Cereal Chemists International Whole Grain Working Group (WGWG) asserted existing data comparing the two principal means of manufacturing ZKROHZKHDWÀRXUVDQGPHDOV²VLQJOHVWUHDPPLOOLQJDQG PXOWLSOHVWUHDPPLOOLQJZLWKUHFRPELQDWLRQ²GRQRWVKRZ any strong advantage for either milling method with regard to maintaining the nutritional value of the whole grain. "If recommendations for increased consumption of ZKROHJUDLQVDUHWREHPHWFRQVXPHUVQHHGWREHHQFRXU DJHGWRFRQVXPHZKROHJUDLQIRRGVSURGXFHGE\DOOPLOOLQJ PHWKRGV´WKHUHSRUW¶VDXWKRUVVWDWHG 7KHUHSRUWWLWOHG³1XWULWLRQDO,PSDFWVRI'LIIHUHQW:KROH Grain Milling Techniques: A Review of Milling Practices DQG([LVWLQJ'DWD´ZDVSXEOLVKHGLQWKH0D\-XQHHGLWLRQ of Cereal Foods World. Federal dietary guidance for consumers encourages con VXPSWLRQRIZKROHJUDLQIRRGVIRUWKHLUQXWULWLRQDOEHQH¿WV 7KRVH SRVLWLYH KHDOWK EHQH¿WV ODUJHO\ KDYH EHHQ LGHQWL¿HG and documented in epidemiological studies on whole grain IRRGV PDQXIDFWXUHG IURP ZKROH JUDLQ ÀRXUV DQG PHDOV 7KRVHPHDOVDQGÀRXUVLQWXUQPRVWO\ZHUHPDQXIDFWXUHG E\PLOOVXVLQJDPXOWLSOHVWUHDPZLWKUHFRPELQDWLRQSURFHVV 78 by Josh Sosland No advantage seen between two principal means of manufacturing whole wheat flours, meals Yet there are those who maintain that same milling pro cess in some way diminishes the nutrient content of the whole grain in the process of separating and then recom ELQLQJWKHSULQFLSDOFRPSRQHQWVRIWKHRULJLQDOJUDLQNHU QHO²JHUPEUDQDQGHQGRVSHUP7KHVXJJHVWLRQLVRQO\ SURGXFWVRIUHODWLYHO\ORZYROXPHVLQJOHVWUHDPPLOOLQJLQ which all parts of the original kernels stay together from WKHEHJLQQLQJWRWKHHQGRIWKHPLOOLQJSURFHVVGHVHUYHWKH appellation whole grain foods. The comprehensive report E\ WKH:*:* ZULWHUV GUHZ RQ D ZHDOWK RI UHVHDUFK GDWD and contested that notion. 7KH UHSRUW EHJDQ ZLWK D UHYLHZ RI WKH $$&&, ZKROH JUDLQ GH¿QLWLRQ ZKLFK KDV VHUYHG DV WKH EDVLV RI RWKHU GH¿QLWLRQVIRUZKROHJUDLQLQFOXGLQJWKDWHPSOR\HGE\WKH September 2015 / World Grain / www.World-Grain.comhttp://www.World-Grain.com