FEED OPERATIONS Table 3. Overhead Bin Capacities Required Initially and Finally Maximum % in Formulas Initial Production 2000 TPW @ 5 days per week 400 tons per day Final Production 5500 TPW @ 6 days per week 917 tons per day Canola Meal 0.267 107 245 Soybean Meal Corn Distillers Grains w/sol Alfalfa Meal 0.1524 61 140 0.147 59 135 0.05 20 46 0.217 87 199 0.046 18 42 0.879 352 807 Wheat Middlings HJ Baker Pro-Plus Total Ingredients Used per Day producing the required formulas. These are ingredients added in very small amounts. The micro-system can accurately weigh each ingredient and deliver these ingredients to the mixer. It is actually a small batching system. 70 The ingredients for a micro-system usually come in bags that are manually emptied into the proper compartment in the microV\VWHP,IVLJQL¿FDQWXVHRIDQLQJUHGLHQWLVUHTXLUHGWKHXVHRI WRWHEDJVWKDWDUHKXQJRQDVWDQGFDQEHGHOLYHUHGLQWRDVSHFL¿F micro-system compartment. It also is possible to hang the totes on a frame with scale and deliver directly to the mixer. BAGGED INGREDIENT RECEIVING :DUHKRXVHVSDFHPXVWEHSURYLGHGIRUSDOOHWVRIEDJVWRWHV liquids or other materials needed. We will discuss warehouse requirements later. Liquid storage and handling will be discussed in future articles. In the next article we will look at receiving and initial process equipment for the mill. Fred Fairchild is feed science professor emeritus in the Department of Grain Science at Kansas State University. Prior to coming to Kansas State in 1994, he worked in the industry designing, constructing and commissioning numerous mill facilities. He is a licensed professional engineer. He may be reached by e-mail at fjf@k-state.edu. We want to hear from you - Send comments and inquiries to worldgrain@sosland.com. For reprints of WG articles, e-mail reprints@sosland.com. May 2018 / World Grain / www.World-Grain.comhttp://www.bbca.com.tr http://www.World-Grain.com