FEATURE: WEATHER ADDING TO PRESSURE ON PRICES US AND BRAZIL OUTLOOK In the meantime, wheat in the US central and southwestern Plains has been trending drier biased, too, and recent excessive heat has occurred to exacerbate dryness just ahead of reproduction. That could cut into some of the US production, but without Russia and Europe having trouble, the US issue may not be big enough to perpetuate the futures price appreciation of wheat. And then, of course there is India and China - both of which are expecting very large wheat crops. Australia and Canada cannot be left out of the mix with both countries expecting much better production this year. The weather fundamentals for wheat are not looking as supportive for prices EVERY YEAR WE DEVELOP NEW WAYS TO SUPPORT our students' learning (PDLO training@nabim.org.uk WRƬQGRXWDERXWWKH OHDUQLQJRSSRUWXQLWLHV ZLWKLQRXUQHZYLUWXDOPLOO 52 May 2020 / World Grain / www.World-Grain.com Photo courtesy of World Weather, Inc. be some dryness in surrounding areas, but it may not be the Black Sea region or southeastern Europe as feared earlier this spring. Percent of normal rainfall for March 20-April 27, 2020http://www.World-Grain.com