Your Team for Great Flour The Flourists, Part 3: Flour Fortifi cation Adding further health benefi ts to fl our - With Tailor-Made Micronutrient Premixes. More than 2 billion people are aff ected by vitamin and mineral defi ciencies. Millers around the world are addressing this problem of hidden hunger by fortifying wheat and maize fl our, two of the world's most consumed staple foods, with essential vitamins and minerals. Supporters and partners in fl our fortifi cation: The Flourists, a team of experienced technologists who develop customized and highly stable vitamin-mineral premixes. They help the world's millers to ensure a secure supply of essential micronutrients with consistent sensory and application-specifi c fl our properties. The result: Flour of the highest quality that plays an essential role in supplying the world's population with vital micronutrients. #theflourists muehlenchemie.com