VOLUME 42 NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2024 features 22 Russia tightens grip on troubled grain industry Government assumes more control over exports 30 Royal family Doyles have guided King Milling for nearly 135 years 38 Refining the process Potential seen for AI to achieve another level of efficiency and effectiveness in milling even as minding the flour remains in human hands 49 Millers seeking solutions Suppliers respond with new technology to lower costs, increase output 56 Milling oats by the sea Oat Mill Finland makes products for export markets 60 Milling operations Energy cost management: Power quality 64 Q&A with Bühler's Alexis Nöel Digital program manager highlights digital transformations to improve the flour milling process 68 Dryness stressing Ukraine, Russia crops Biggest cuts in output will be in eastern Ukraine and southern Russia 38 56 departments 06 Editorial 08 Calendar 10 World Grain News 14 Grain Market Review: Rice 16 Country Focus: Iraq 72 Supplier News 74 Advertiser Index On the cover: King Milling's flour mill in Lowell, Michigan, US. 30 49 World-Grain.com / World Grain / September 2024 5http://www.World-Grain.com